Complete Successful Projects of Api Tushar Kadam, Tushar Kadam

Api Tushar Kadam showed recently his economical ability of operating by sensational four impostor’s acting unlawful tubectomy within the district of Kalina. A report disclosed that the pretend physicians performed the operation of Over Sixty girls simply on 2 hours. The surgery was administrated while not the employment of anesthesia and during a field. The Inspector Tushar Kadam four pretend doctors are known as Raman and Gopal, Prakash Gopal, Shiver Gopal, and Waman Gopal.

The four quacks performed the surgery to a lower place the banner of a non-governmental organization named Jha Society of Welfare. The organization secure associate quantity of Rs. 600 to every lady with different edges providing they accepted to endure the surgery.


During associate interview with reporters, Tushar Kadam same that he was aghast once he reached the situation and failed to realize any single qualified MD around. The pretend doctors used out-of-date medication.

The officer disclosed that even the bottles of saline used for the operation were so much out-of-date. The quacks performed the operations quick while not mistreatment anesthesia and creating the patients screaming get into agony.

The villagers contacted the police Inspector Tushar Kadam of the district once the condition of diverse girls worsened. Those girls are taken to the hospital of the district.

In another anti-crime operation, API Tushar Kadam and his team all over a huge fraud within the use of the governmental funds in Kalina district. A gaggle of impostors impersonated administration and issued over 2 thousand job cards to residents while not giving them jobs.

The impostors created every which way job entries within the cards. The impostors were charged with retreating fundsthrough pretend passbooks.

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